Public Health

Public health is central to the academic and personal success of every student. In this section, we offer a deep dive into the health compliance policies, initiatives, and guidelines established to promote a healthy community, prevent/reduce communicable disease transmission, and our response to public health emergencies/threats. Explore our proactive measures and commitment to ensuring a safe and health-conscious campus environment.

Additional resources:


Flu Student Vaccination Compliance  

All eligible Johns Hopkins University students who will be working or studying at a U.S.-based university campus or work site are required to have the Flu vaccine by November 15, 2024.

JHU Mandatory Flu policy

JHU students who are 100% remote

Students who never come to any Johns Hopkins facility or conduct business publicly on Johns Hopkins’ behalf—are not required to have the vaccines (although it is recommended).

Consequences of non-compliance

Students who have not uploaded documentation that they have been fully vaccinated or filed a request for an exception are subject to progressive enforcement measures, including but not limited to:

SIS course registration holds will be placed after the November 15th, 2024 deadline.

Students not on campus Fall 2024

Students not coming on campus for Fall 2024 and are unable to submit vaccine documentation prior to coming to campus in spring should notify [email protected] immediately if they receive a non-compliance email reminder. 

Spring 2025 compliance deadlines

Students who were not on-campus during the Fall 2024 semester/incoming new students joining in Spring 2025 will have the SIS Hold placed for noncompliance start of February 2025.

Pending the workload of incoming submissions and any holidays, PnC approvals and SIS holds removal may take time. Please submit timely.


COVID Information

How can I get a free at-home COVID test kit?

We have free COVID tests available at our 3 primary care clinic locations, in addition you can get free tests through the following resources:

Baltimore City Health Department Guide

DC Health Department Guide

Get 4 free tests delivered home – Federal government program

CDC guide – Search for no-cost COVID-19 Testing near you.

Should you be tested?

If you are feeling unwell and have some symptoms consistent with COVID-19, please obtain a home antigen test.

Symptoms include:

  • fever
  • cough
  • sore throat
  • runny nose or congestion
  • muscle aches
  • fatigue
  • diarrhea or vomiting
  • headache
  • unexplained loss of sense of taste or smell


If you have recently tested positive for COVID, please read instructions below:

If you need medical care, SHWB- Primary Care can provide nurse triage and telemedicine visits to students who are sick.


Clinical students and those who Work or Study within the health care system should refer to JHM COVID policy.

COVID Testing & Isolation Guide Non-Clinical Students Only. 


How to self-isolate if you are COVID positive

You should stay home and separate from others in your living accommodation as much as possible. Additionally, you should:

  • Wear a high-quality mask if you must be around others and when in public.
  • Use a separate bathroom if possible.
  • Avoid traveling.
  • Avoid sharing personal items, like towels.
  • Increase rest, good nutrition, and fluids.
  • If you have severe symptoms, like trouble breathing, seek immediate emergency medical care.

When can I end my Isolation?

  • You can resume normal activities once your symptoms are improving and you’ve been fever-free—without the aid of fever-reducing medications—for at least 24 hours.
  • For the five days after you resume your normal activities, you should take extra precautions:
  1. Wearing a well-fitting mask and maintaining distance from others
  2. Gathering outdoors or in well-ventilated areas
  3. Cleaning hands and high-touch surfaces often
  4. Testing when possible before gathering with others
  5. Avoid being around immunocompromised people
  • If symptoms or fever return, you should start back at square one: staying home and away from others until you’ve been improving and fever-free for at least 24 hours.

Additional information regarding isolation & a calculator to help you determine your isolation period can be found on the CDC webpage.