Immunization FAQ’s

Are existing students required to complete a health form?
  • While all students are encouraged to follow public health measures and get vaccinated the pre-entrance health form will only be a requirement for new in-person students.   
  • Note – Annual Flu requirements continue to apply to existing students and new students.  
My titer results were equivocal. What should I do? 

You will need to obtain the required immunization. 

What if I don’t have time to complete a full series of the MMR, Hepatitis B, or Varicella vaccinations prior to my arrival on campus? 

For immunizations requiring more than one inoculation (such as measles, rubella, mumps, hepatitis B, and varicella), you must submit proof that you have begun the series and had as many of the inoculations (shots) as possible within the time frame/schedule specified. You are expected to complete the requirement in timely manner once you are on campus.

How do I know if my documentation has been accepted and I have completed the requirement? 

You may check the status of your immunization review status by visiting MyHealth Portal. Please allow several weeks for processing of your information before checking your status.

 What if Tetanus, Diphtheria, Pertussis (TDAP) isn’t available in my home country? 

International students who are unable to receive the TDAP vaccine in their home countries before coming on campus will have the administrative fine waived if that is their only missing requirement. You will be able to get it at a local pharmacy or at campus clinics.

I am a new student, when can I access the health portal?

You can access the portal after getting your JHU credentials or a JHED ID (Your username will be your JHED ID followed by For more information visit MyHealth Portal.

I still haven’t received my JHED ID so I am unable to access my Health Portal to submit the required pre-entrance immunizations.

You can submit your health form once you get your JHED ID, programs vary as to when the student gets access. Note if you are starting during the summer term and get your JHU credentials after May 15th you will not be penalized. Please make sure you submit your required documentation prior to arrival on campus as soon as you get access. All forms and requirements are listed on this website, you can gather all the information and fill out the forms while you wait for your JHED ID.

Is the Beijing Wantai’s TB-IGRA accepted for vaccine compliance requirements?

Beijing Wantai’s TB-IGRA and Qiagen QuantiFERON-TB Gold Plus tests are acceptable TB Blood tests for vaccine compliance.

Where can I access the TB screening e-form?

The TB screening electronic form is required to be completed by all in-person non-clinical students as part of the pre-entrance immunization requirements. The e-form is available on your health portal, in the required forms and immunization section, and must be completed online. While you wait to get access to the health portal you can view the pdf below to prepare for your arrival. If you answer yes to any of the questions, you will be required to get a further blood test.