Workshops and Drop-in Groups


Mental Health Services offers a variety of workshops focused on developing skills and exploring topics that help students and learners to be well, do well, and live well. Workshops are designed to address common concerns and teach skills that can enhance well-being and reduce stress.

All workshops are offered free to all JHU students and learners, and students do not need to be clients of Mental Health Services to participate. Workshops will be held online through Zoom unless otherwise noted. These workshops will share information about mental health and wellness, but they are not a substitute for mental health treatment.

Below is a list of workshops that were offered in the Spring 2024 semester, and will likely be offered again in Fall 2024.  Students may contact Mental Health Services with questions or for more specific information (call 410-516-8278 or email [email protected]). If you would like to request another type of program, please complete this Request Form.

CBT Workshop

Embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery and personal growth with our engaging and enlightening Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) Workshop, tailored exclusively for college students. Designed to empower you with practical skills to navigate the challenges of academic life, emotional well-being, and personal development, this workshop will equip you with a powerful toolkit for lifelong success.

This workshop provides a safe and interactive space where you’ll learn to harness the principles of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, a proven psychological approach that focuses on understanding the connections between thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. Through a series of dynamic sessions, you’ll gain insights into how your thoughts influence your emotions and actions, and discover techniques to reshape negative patterns into positive ones. Additional CBT worksheet handouts will be provided for ongoing practice. This workshop will be offered twice during the Spring 2024 semester:

flyer for CBT workshop spring 2024

Anxiety Management Workshops

This workshop aims to teach you skills and develop tools to better manage your anxiety and stress. You will learn theories about the development of anxiety and how to cope with it. This will include exposure to relaxation exercises, mindfulness practices, and cognitive restructuring. You will receive weekly materials, which when compiled, create a workbook, full of tools and exercises that will be useful throughout your life. The workshop is a 4-week series of 60-minute sessions.

NEW Communication Skills (Gaming) Workshops

Develop and practice communication skills while connecting with others over fun and exciting board games! This four-part, drop-in workshop series features four unique board games adapted to showcase communication skills like active listening, assertiveness, and non-verbal communication. The series is designed to be completed as a whole, but learners can pick and choose which sessions are the best suited to their needs. Each week will include space to learn, practice, and reflect on the use of these skills. All JHU learners are welcome, so join us Friday afternoons from 2-4 to connect and grow together!

Emotional Adulting Workshops

Emotional Adulting is a brief, drop-in skills group designed to help you work with your emotions from a space of compassion, awareness, non-judgment, and curiosity. The skills taught in this group, which are generally drawn from mindfulness and trauma symptom management practices, are beneficial for our general emotional well-being as well for helping to manage distress related to depression, anxiety, trauma, and other experiences.

Each week will focus on a different practice and the curriculum will repeat. Come to all eight sessions, come to one, or pick and choose depending on your interest and schedule. Topics include Grounding, the Window of Tolerance, Containment, and Calm Place Imagery.

details about Emotional Adulting Workshop

4-Weeks of Mindfulness Workshops

Experience the possibilities that unfold through the practice of mindfulness and meditation. These drop-in mindfulness sessions will offer space for students to learn mindfulness practices that help to decrease stress and increase your satisfaction in daily life. Each session is designed to help you learn mindfulness through the practice of specific skills that calm and focus your mind – come to any or all of the sessions! If you are feeling pressured and stressed, or just are interested in learning a new skill that can enrich your life, these classes are for you. Workshops will be held in-person on Wednesdays 3-4:15pm on March 27, April 3, 10 and 17 in the conference room within CDI (Center for Diversity and Inclusion). Register here!

flyer for the Mindfulness Workshop 2024

Regulating Emotions: Skills Workshops

The Emotion Regulation Series is a brief skills workshop series. The series comes in four parts, while it is not mandatory to join all four, it is highly recommended!  This four part workshop uses the principles of the evidence-based therapy modality Dialectical behavioral Therapy to bring awareness of how emotional dysregulation can happen in your day-to-day life, and skills to regulate and be present with emotional distress. Topics include mindfulness skills, understanding the function of emotions, the Wise Mind, and practicing wise mind in reality. Each week will focus on a different topic.

flyer for Regulating Emotions DBT Skills Workshops

Mindful Yoga

What could be a better break in your hectic week than gentle yoga and a chance to ground yourself and simply just BE in the present moment? Join other students and yoga instructor Nila Berger E-RYT for this rejuvenating break! No prior yoga experience and no special attire is necessary. Classes are FREE.

Mindful Yoga classes take place on Wednesdays from 5-6 pm in the Ralph O’Connor Recreation Center – MPR B (Multipurpose Room B).  Log into the portal or get the Rec App (in the Apple store or Google Play storeto see the full calendar of events.

Other Outreach Resources

Outreach is about increasing college student mental health awareness through prevention, awareness, education, and stigma reduction. Through various outreach programs, Mental Health Services staf are able to connect with the larger JHU community and ultimately strengthen a campus atmosphere that is conducive to the well-being, personal growth, and psychological health of all students.

To this end, the Mental Health Services staff provide presentations and programs to various groups on campus on topics related to mental health and wellness. Topics might include: coping with stress, time management, suicide prevention, dealing with anxiety, developing a growth mindset, resilience, managing emotions, bouncing back from failure, developing a balanced lifestyle, handling transitions, healthy relationships, body image, and many more. If you are interested in a program or workshop for your group, please complete this Request Form or call 410-516-8278.

Suicide Prevention Training Programs

The staff within Mental Health Services collaborates with staff across Johns Hopkins University to provide suicide prevention training sessions for the JHU students, faculty, staff and community. These evidence-based programs are shown to be effective prevention programs to identify students at risk, empower staff and faculty with skills and knowledge around mental health, and to train the JHU community on making effective referrals.

To learn more, click here.


 Drop-in Groups

Counseling groups allow students to address their concerns through engagement with others. Some groups provide opportunities for students to explore personal issues and interpersonal relationships in a setting where honest feedback, reflection, and support from peers can occur; others provide a space for discussion, exploration, and providing support around common experiences; and still others offer skills that can be practiced and applied in lived experience.  Information about treatment groups can be found here.

Drop-in groups offer places to connect and to learn without as much of a commitment as the treatment groups. You do not have to be a client of Mental Health Services in order to participate in the drop-in groups.

These drop-in groups are open to all JHU students and learners.

I’m a Black Student at a PWI, Of Course I…

Join us for a 5-week drop-in support group for Black students at Johns Hopkins University. This limited series aims to foster an environment to build solidarity within the Black student community and encourage the sharing and listening of lived experiences of Black students at a Predominately White Institution (PWI). We will discuss topics like code-switching, cultural exhaustion, and the need for self-care. This group will be co-facilitated by two Black woman identifying clinicians. Snacks will be provided when you attend in person! Please register so we know to expect you.


Drop by for a weekly support and discussion group about navigating identities, mental health, relationships, academic life and more!  Contact [email protected] or [email protected] for more information.

International Student Support Group

This is a support space for all International students at Hopkins! Feel free to drop in and talk about emotional, cultural, social and other challenges, adjusting to the US and the University, and more. This is also a great space to network, practice speaking English, and share information with each other! Register here.

Flyer to register for the International Student Drop-in Support Group

Grief & Loss Support Group

The Grief & Loss group is a drop-in community space for any students and learners at Johns Hopkins seeking to share their grief and loss experiences with others and to receive support, education, and resources. Group will be co-facilitated by staff from Homewood Counseling Center and as available, staff from Religious and Spiritual Life. Each group will have a broad theme, but discussion will be flexible to the needs of the group. Attendance at every group is welcome, not required. Each group is approximately one hour and themes for discussion may relate to Understanding What My Grief/Loss Is Like, Ways of Being and Grieving, Life Then and Now, and more. Anyone interested in joining the group can register here.

Flyer for grief & loss drop-in support group