All therapy groups require a brief screening appointment with the group facilitator(s) prior to participation. If you are currently working with an MHS clinician or psychiatric provider, talk with them about how group can support your treatment goals.

Please contact the group facilitator for more information, or if you are new to MHS, schedule an Initial Consultation.

Dialectical Behavioral Therapy Skills

DBT Group

Facilitator: Maggie Hsu, LCPC

This is a Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT)-informed skills treatment group that includes psychoeducation of DBT skills and in-group processing. Daily practice of skills will be encouraged, with usage of a diary card/log as support. Interested participants will be screened prior to group starting. Eligible clients are required to be in individual therapy either with and MHS clinician or a community outpatient provider. The group runs on a 8 week curriculum and closed enrollment, with potential opportunity to join at week 5, pending screening and facilitator/member agreement.

Dissertation Support Group


Facilitator: Andrea Regenberg, LCSW-C 

(Social) Skills Quest: A Dungeons & Dragons Therapy Group

(Social) Skills Quest: A Dungeons and Dragons Therapy Group 

Facilitator: Will Nation, Ph.D.

Understanding Self and Others

understanding self and others (uso) groupS

Facilitators: Shemika Brooks-Woods, Psy.D., CGP, AGPA-F; Justin Harker, MA; Joel Kwame, MA; Elaina McWilliams, MA; Queen-Ayanna Sullivan, MA

With multiple sections designated for undergrads, graduate students, and learners, these general therapy groups provide a space for participants to discuss and explore interpersonal concerns and challenges, while developing a better Understanding of Self and Others (USO). Themes might include but are not limited to: observing and processing ways of managing conflict; developing more satisfying romantic, social, professional and familial relationships; difficult family and social histories; coping with academic demands; and life transitions.

(UN)Stuck - Managing Anxiety and Sticky Thoughts


Facilitator: Judy Grados, Psy.D.

Yoga as Healing

yoga as healing

Facilitators: Jennifer West, LGPC & Nila Mechali Berger, E-RYT

Yoga as Healing is a six-week mind/body group for survivors of any type of trauma, self-defined. This group offers survivors a safe space to gain greater awareness around strength, stability, assertiveness, and mindfulness. Sessions will focus on different themes, various restorative and therapeutic postures, explore positive affirmations, and will be coupled with guided activities including readings, journaling, and creative exercises. No prior yoga experience necessary and students of all gender identities are welcome.