Maggie Lewis
Coordinator for Gender Violence Prevention Education and Response
Maggie (she/they) joined Johns Hopkins University Health Promotion and Well-Being as the Coordinator for Gender Violence Prevention, Education, and Response in August 2023. Maggie is a confidential resource for all students and trainees who have experienced gender-based violence. She supervises the Bystander Intervention Training (BIT) program and sits on the Sexual Violence Advisory Committee to the Provost (SVAC). Her work is rooted in trauma-informed response, restoring agency to survivors, and understanding the intersection of individual and institutional violence.
Maggie holds a Bachelor’s degree in Public Policy from the University of Maryland, College Park, and a Master’s degree in Social Work from the University of Maryland, Baltimore. Before coming to Hopkins, Maggie has worked with the University of Maryland Health Center, the Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network, and the New Hampshire Coalition Against Domestic and Sexual Violence. Maggie serves all studentsĀ and trainees at Hopkins.