Most sleep advice is (understandably) predicated on the idea that people are awake during the day and asleep at night, honoring the body’s circadian rhythms.
Sometimes, though, our schedules are not our own. Maybe you’re a physician in residency; maybe the lab or the rehearsal room you need is only available in the late evenings. Maybe you’re an RA with overnight on-call duties. It’s tough and it’s not ideal, but it is the reality for a lot of students and trainees.
Here is some advice on how to navigate getting the rest you need when you are working a late shift. These tips are adapted from the National Institute of Health (NIH) and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC).
If you want to learn more about sleep, consider reaching out to the Office of Health Promotion & Well-Being to talk with one of our health educators for a well-being consultation. Sweet dreams!
Many thanks to SOM faculty member Dr. Amelia Pousson, MD, MPH, who reviewed and contributed to this article.