From the Dietitian’s Desk: Submit questions to our new nutrition column

| August 30, 2024

Student Health & Well-Being is kicking off the semester with a fantastic new feature: an advice column dedicated to all your burning questions about food and nutrition!

Submit your questions using this form, which will be anonymous to be mindful of your privacy. We may reword or summarize a submission for clarity or leave out identifying details if the letter is published.

A little about me: I’m the university dietitian and I love teaching about healthy lifestyles and behaviors. My favorite foods are eggs, pizza, and cookies-and-cream ice cream. (All things in moderation.) I’m originally from the Bahamas, and in my spare time I like hiking, reading, and boating.

While I won’t be able to provide personalized responses through the submission form, I’m here for you! Feel free to book a one-on-one appointment with me to dive deeper into your specific concerns. Plus, the health educators at the Office of Health Promotion & Well-Being are always available for general nutrition guidance.

I’m excited to get started! Here’s the submission form one more time: