Transcendental Meditation®

The Transcendental Meditation® (TM) course is an evidence-based approach to improve your well-being. The TM technique is simple, natural, and effortless. It practiced 20 minutes twice each day while sitting comfortably with the eyes closed. Through the TM practice, you can reduce stress and anxiety, decrease the impacts of depression and trauma, improve sleep, and improve intelligence, creativity and your learning ability.

why participate in TM

Health Promotion & Well-Being has been able to offer students the opportunity to learn the TM practice at no cost since January of 2021, teaching 279 students and learners, with the generous support of JHU alum John Dills. John said “I didn’t learn TM until I was in my 30s.  If there is one skill I wish I could have learned in college, no contest, it would have been TM.” In addition to the 8-week program, participants will have will have lifetime support for your TM practice at any TM Center in the country or world, which is valued at more than $500 per individual.

Participating in a JHU TM Cohort Includes

  • Learning how to incorporate a twice daily 20-minute meditation practice into your schedule
  • Understanding the science of meditation
  • Working individually with a TM teacher
  • Having a shared group experience with other JHU undergraduate and graduate students

Benefits and Outcomes of TM Participation

  • Found TM Valuable (81%)
  • Decreased Stress (73%)
  • Greater Clarity of Mind (67%)
  • Happier (59%)
  • More Centered, better focus (57%)
  • Increased Productivity (47%)
  • Improved Sleep (44%)
  • Less Fatigue (41%)

Also of note, TM participants experienced a decrease in anxiety, depression, anger and fatigue compared to a JHU student control group.

Data are the percentage of participants who identified a change in that domain either “quite a bit” or “very much” based on post-program participant survey data.

How to participate in TM

The Fall 2024 Cohort is in progress. Applications are now closed

For future cohorts, requirements include the following:

  • Attend one zoom information session
  • Fill out the brief application
  • Review all the Requirements
    • Week 1
      • Individual training (about 90 minutes) in TM at Baltimore TM Center 9AM-6PM scheduled at your convenience
      • Twice Daily Meditation on your own
      • Listen to interactive app lesson
      • Zoom connections with TM instructors and peers
    • Weeks 2-8
      • Daily meditations on your own time
      • Weekly check-ins with JHU Participants and Instructors via Zoom
      • Individual connections with instructors and guest speakers throughout the program

Please email Jacki Stone with questions or for disability accommodations.

Transcendental Meditation and TM are registered trademarks, licensed to Maharishi Vedic Education Development Corporation, a 501(c)(3) non-profit educational organization, and used under sublicense or with permission.