Feedback, Questions, and Reporting Concerns

Student Health and Well-Being (SHWB) strives to provide high-quality health care and well-being resources that recognize the values, experiences, and needs of our diverse student community. We believe that a confidential, mutually respectful partnership between you and our staff and providers is the foundation necessary to develop and maintain optimal health and well-being. Understanding your rights and responsibilities and engaging your feedback about services is central to this partnership.

Your feedback is important to us, so if you had a good experience or have helpful suggestions, we encourage you to share that directly with the staff or provider in the office you visited. Our providers are trained to listen, answer your questions, and work with you to resolve concerns.  For questions or concerns that arise prior to working with a provider or if you feel it is best to speak with someone other than your provider, please share using the feedback form below.

The links below provide some helpful information and may assist you in navigating the approach to take to provide compliments or to discuss your questions or concerns.

Provide Feedback

Our goal is to support the education and development of students by promoting optimal health and well-being. Feedback is one of our most useful tools in evaluating our services. Please comment on your experience, the services offered at SHWB, services you’d like to see offered, or general comments.  If there is an occasion where you experienced barriers to accessing care or you did not receive the care you expected, we encourage you to let us know.

Please provide as much information as you can. If a staff member or provider is involved and you do not know particular names or choose not to share that information, we may be limited in our ability to follow up fully.

No Retaliation Policy

Anyone who reports a concern in good faith cannot be subject to any adverse action, including dismissal, suspension, or loss of benefits in retaliation for filing a report.

Referral of Complaints to Others

Dependent on the circumstances of the concern, SHWB may refer to university departments or third-party, external resources to assist with responding to concerns. This may include but is not limited to the Johns Hopkins Office of Institutional Equity or Johns Hopkins Patient Relations.