How to sleep well if you have to stay up late
Spacing your naps and your meals strategically can help ward off feelings of fatigue.
Review: Sipping Dom Pérignon Through a Straw
For author Eddie Ndopu, embracing all aspects of his identity – Black, queer, disabled, and fabulous – is vital.
JHU Student Health Survey
Your voice matters.
Communication in relationships doesn’t have to be scary
Think of communication as opening the window of your mind, and inviting someone else to open theirs.
Recent serious crimes on and near our Homewood Campus
The pattern involves multiple suspects approaching individuals walking alone, usually late at night or in the very early morning hours.
#IWillListen 2024 Campaign Schedule
The #IWillListen campaign encourages open and honest conversations about mental health.
Posted in: Mental
Well-Being Day 2024
The Office of Health Promotion & Well-Being is pleased to co-host Well-Being Day in collaboration with the Student Government Association and the Graduate Representative Organization.
From the Dietitian’s Desk: Submit questions to our new nutrition column
Whether it's about nutrition, food, supplements, disordered eating, or specific health conditions, our new advice column has the answers.
The “Red Zone” of sexual assault
The “Red Zone” is a period from the start of the fall semester through Thanksgiving break when the majority of sexual assault occurs on college campuses. This post explains why that is, and what we can do about it.