The Theme Settings options page allows you to control several settings that occur at the theme level. You can find this menu in the WordPress Admin area in the left sidebar.
The “Default” fields allow you to set a default text or image for several fields across all pages in the site, giving you a convenient location to modify this text on all pages. Any page can override these defaults.
- Get Help Button – This sets the link that the Get Help button will link to, which is featured in the header, footer, and banner areas of all pages.
- Footer Street Address – Sets the street address line for the footer of the page.
- Footer City Address – Sets the city address line for the footer of the page.
- Phone Number – Sets the phone number that will appear in the footer. The text will appear as is, so be sure to format the number properly (recommended: (XXX) XXX-XXXX)
- Default Banner Image – This sets the default banner image that appears on all pages in the website, unless the page has it’s own custom banner image.
- Default Banner Subtitle – Sets the default banner subtitle small text that appears in the banner textbox beneath the header logo. On the Site Guide, you can see it is ‘Health & Wellness’. On the site, this is typically ‘Student’.
- Default Banner Title – Sets the default banner title large text that appears in the banner textbox beneath the header logo. On the Site Guide, you can see it is ‘Site Guide’. On the site, this is typically ‘Health & Wellness’.
- Error Image – Sets the image that displays for the error page.
- Site Logo – Set the logo image that appears in header and footer.