Icon Row Component

The Icon Row component is a landing page component that is used to feature a resource type categories and link to a specified page.

How to Build

Make sure you are using the “backend editor” to build out the component.

  1. Click the Add New Element plus icon to add a component to the page.
  2. An Add Element window will appear, choose the Icon Row option.
  3. The settings dialog box will appear. Fill in the title for the row as a whole.
  4. You may enable the icon row animation by selecting the checkbox.
  5. Click Save changes.
  6. Within the newly created Icon Row block, click the plus icon. An Add Element window will appear with a singular option to add an Icon.
  7. Select the desired icon image from the dropdown.
  8. Enter the icon text that displays below the image.
  9. Use the URL selector to select a link.
  10. Click Save changes.
  11. Add additional icons as needed.